What Is an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder?
An orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) is a disorder that is caused by an abnormal jaw, lip, or tongue position.
A person's tongue normally rests passively suctioned to the roof of the mouth during the day and night, the lips should naturally seal day and night, nasal breathing should occur at all times. If this isn't happening, this is considered dysfunction and can be easily identified by mouth breathing, low tongue posture, and lips resting apart. If left uncorrected, bigger problems will occur. Myofunctional therapy can help locate the underlying problem and work to correct to normal and healthy state.
Did you know that a mouth-breathing child is likely to become an adult with sleep disordered breathing and/or TMD?
OMDs may affect:
- Breastfeeding
- Facial skeletal growth and development
- Sleep apnea and snoring
- Chewing
- Swallowing
- Speech
- Occlusion
- Oral hygiene
- Orthodontic treatment
- Facial esthetics
5 signs of an OMD
1. Mouth breathing & tongue thrust
2. Narrow or vaulted palate
3. Open bite and/or crossbite
4. Previous or existing sucking habit
5. Enlarged tonsils & allergy symptoms
The Importance of Nasal Breathing
- Proper breathing regulates digestion and circulation
- Improper breathing brings imbalance and disease
- The nostrils are intended to filter the air you breath
The 4 goals of orofacial myofunctional therapy:
- Nasal Breathing
- Lip Seal
- Correct Tongue Posture
- Correct Swallowing Pattern
The purpose of these goals is to restore normal function. With these goals accomplished, proper dental and craniofacial development can take place in children.
What to Expect: First Appointment
- Go over patient health history and discuss any concerns the patient has.
- Evaluation: looking for signs of OMDs. This is done through physical and visual assessment of the orofacial area, facial characteristics, posture, and tethered tissues.
- Identify any areas of concern (if present).
- Customize patient treatment plan.
Just because it's common, doesn't mean it's normal
How Myofunctional Therapy Can Help You
The goal of Myofunctional therapy is to restore normal function of your mouth and jaw. We can retrain the muscles in your head and neck to correct your posture and so they'll function properly when you chew and speak. Your physical appearance could also be improved with these changes.
Tara M.
Qualified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist